Name: Rose Lalonde
Main Verse: Post-Game (Not Epilogue Compliant)
Age: 21
Birthday: December 4th, 1995
Title: Seer of Light
Sexuality: Lesbian
Relationship status: Married
Family: Dave Strider (Brother), Mom (Deceased), Roxy Lalonde (Mom/Daughter)
Rose’s interests include a passion for obscure literature and creative writing (about which she is very secretive). Her passion for writing is shown several times in the story was she wrote a fictional story about wizards, she wrote psychological analyses for all her friends, a walkthrough for Sburb and a tome with all information about Sburb and it’s classes. She is interested in the bestially strange and fictitious and dabbles in psychoanalysis. Despite her mature exterior, Rose can also be quite silly. She enjoys knitting, having learned to do so after John’s gift of wool and needles for her most recent birthday. She also plays the violin.Rose’s personality can be described as one of stoic intelligence. There’s no denying that she’s one of the smartest characters, and she isn’t reluctant to show it through inventive use of her extensive vocabulary. She can seem snarky and even hurtful at times due to her constant sarcastic tone, and is fairly reclusive, rarely initiating conversation unless it is important. She conceals her true feelings rather well, and even appears incredibly calm about the prospect of dying in the destruction of the Green Sun.

Name: Celestia Ludenberg
Main Verse: Pre-Despair
Age: 17
Birthday: November 23rd
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Personality: She’s an experienced gambler, Celestia appears collected, cold and cunning by nature. She possesses the ability to manipulate others to do her bidding and can lie with a straight face. Celestia is a very ambitious person, as she declared that she will do anything it takes to win, and is ready to go as far as murdering someone or manipulating others in cold blood.She is extremely selfish and values her life over the lives of others, stating she has no problem sacrificing others in order to save herself. She also has a lot of pride, refusing to surrender no matter how far into a corner she’s pushed, as long as the chance for victory remains.Her mannerisms are strict, refined and her spoiled nature emphasizes this due to her aspiring to be like European royalty. She even has a habit of ranking men between Rank A and Rank F, supposedly to test who is worthy of being one of her servants. She despises her real self as she dislikes ordinary and common things and considers her real identity and name to be one of “a loser”. Celestia speaks softly and smiles often in order to imitate Victorian mannerisms and etiquette as a lady. She usually uses polite language whenever she talks to the others, but her short-temperedness surfaces when something fails to go as well as she expects it to.As the Queen of Liars, Celestia claimed that she can even fool her own emotions, but this doesn’t seem to be entirely the case. She appears to lack empathy and claims that she feels no guilt for the nefarious acts she committed in the gambling underworld. Despite her status as a consummate liar.History: Little is known about Celestia’s childhood, due to her constantly lying, making it hard to perceive what is and is not real about her own family. She described her father as being of French nobility and her mother being a member of a German family of musicians.It is discovered that while growing up she had a cat named Grand Bois Chéri Ludenberg who she loved dearly and made sure to spoil and pamper. She was eventually able to get him to enjoy her favorite food, gyoza, and this then became his own favorite, showing the close bond between the two during her childhood. He became a captive for Monokuma’s first motive during the Killing School Life, which shows her cat was the closest thing to her rather than any of her actually living relatives or friends. The reason for this is unknown, however it is possible that Grand Bois Chéri Ludenberg was the only known relative she had while growing up, or it may be the case that she had a cold and distant relationship with the rest of her family due to her search for sophistication and her developed pretentious demeanor during childhood, which caused her to abandon them completely to chase after her own dreams.

Name: Cleo de Nile
Age: 5,842
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
She is a mummy, though born human, and a student at Monster High. As royalty, Cleo is unsurprisingly the queen of the student body, though few know her confidence is not as solid as she makes it seem to be. Cleo has a difficult relation with both her father, Ramses, who demands the best of and for her, and her older sister, Nefera, who cannot handle Cleo having any successes over her and as such regularly works to sabotage Cleo's efforts and undermine her self-esteem. Her mother, Dedyet, is the only immediate kin she is on good terms with, but circumstances separated Dedyet from the family for millennia.Cleo is extremely royal, so she expects everyone to treat her like it. Usually, her attitude is selfish, arrogant, and sassy; she can't be entirely blamed for her behavior, because it's shown that she was raised to be like this. She is extremely competitive with other ghouls, especially Toralei Stripe. But deep down, Cleo's a very caring, kind, and thoughtful ghoul who cares about her friends.As royalty, Cleo is unsurprisingly the Queen of the student body, though few know her confidence is not as solid as she makes it seem to be: she is easy to be taken by the insecurity of not being fit for leadership, had it not been for the support of her friends from the Fear Squad, the loyalty of her BFF Ghoulia, and the comfort of her boyfriend Deuce's embrace, Cleo's crown would have been crushed a long time ago. Cleo is aware she is lucky to have found people around her that allow her to flourish and while not always the most tactful, she is very protective of her crew.She can work well with the others if they share a common goal, in which case she becomes the de facto leader of the ghouls. She's a highly effective organizer and a leader who will deviate between acting selfishly and selflessly, depending on her mood, which is easy to alter, as she is a tad tempered, when fueled, and violent if upset. Additionally, she is stubborn and will only follow her rules if she feels like it, and she lacks when it comes to learning from her mistakes, making the same mistakes of dodging responsibility and attempting to control others. It doesn't help she has access to limited amounts of magic, through her magical amulets. In the webisode series of Monster High, Cleo is mainly known as the Queen Bee at school, having self-proclaimed popularity which is not untrue despite being self-proclaimed. Despite Cleo's personality overall, one of her true personality traits is that she is kindhearted deep down with a true heart of gold.

Name: Bebe Stevens
Main Verse: High School
Age: 18
Birthday: August 13th
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Bebe has always been one of the popular kids in school and even now in high school she sees herself as the head bitch in charge. She has a rough relationship with her boy peers ever since the boob incident, and because they are kind of idiots, but by now she used to it. But she’s pretty petty so she teases them a lot for a bit of revenge. Her relationship with her parents isn’t that great either since they want her to be a stay at home mom and rely on looks for her whole life but Bebe knows she wants more.She is well known for being a bitch and someone who is very hard to get close to. Not to mention having a smart mouth and a need to talk back a lot. But she is very extroverted and loves to have a good time, especially partying and clubbing. Due to her mentally harsh upbringing she can be a tad cruel at times, some would think that she cares more about a pair of shoes than some people’s well-being. But once you do actually get to know her she is very loyal and even nice.Bebe has long curly blonde hair and a tendency to lean towards red clothing and things that show a lot of skin, even though Colorado is fucking freezing. Always wears expensive name brand clothes and a few Gucci items as well as red bottom Louboutins. She’s tall, around 5’6 to 5’7, and basically has what other girls call a “perfect body” although it was obtained by unhealthy means. She actually doesn’t wear a ton of makeup but the normal amount for most people, foundation, blush, contour, always a red lip, neutral tones for eyeshadow, highlight, eyeliner and a lash. Y'know, the essentials.

Name: Franziska von Karma
Age: 19
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Franziska von Karma was born and raised in Germany by her father Manfred von Karma. When she was two years old, her father took in an orphaned Miles Edgeworth, with whom she shared a sibling bond. However, Edgeworth tended to do his own thing, frequently leaving Franziska behind. During her years at elementary school, Franziska would always wind up going to her previous year's classroom.Feeling overwhelming pressure from her father's reputation as a so-called "perfect" prosecutor, Franziska started her legal studies in Germany at a very young age, and by the age of 13, she was set to pass the bar exam.Franziska von Karma in court was very competitive, unrelenting, and cold, going to extreme lengths to get a guilty verdict. She viewed trials and investigations as competitions, and considered defense attorneys her enemies. This was due to her belief that being a "genius" prosecutor with a perfect record was the only option that she had, although she knew that she was not really capable of the genius her father had displayed. In her earlier years, she even had a tendency to suck up and show off to those in authority.When she began to lose to Phoenix Wright, she lost what she believed was the meaning of her life. When Edgeworth began to talk about the meaninglessness of win records, she resisted the idea at first, but eventually began to understand, after which she resolved to no longer live under her father's shadow. She has since developed somewhat friendlier relationships with those whom she had previously considered her enemies and incompetent obstacles. She has expressed a continued determination to beat Wright in court - for her own sake, not for anyone else's - but has since moved on, aiding Interpol in its investigations.Franziska is very arrogant and headstrong. Although she generally speaks in a formal tone, to the point of addressing everyone by their full names, she constantly uses the word "fool" and variations thereof to describe people whom she considers inferior, namely almost everyone. In addition, she likes to use her whip to assert her dominance over other people, including those who are supposed to be her superiors. However, she is prone to lose her cool and even be visibly emotionally hurt, such as when Pearl Fey blamed her for trying to convict the innocent Maya. Nonetheless, as far as her general reputation goes, Edgeworth has described Franziska as a megalomaniac, and he and Godot have both referred to her as a "wild mare".

Name: Barbie Roberts
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Taken
Barbie is the doll who has it all. She’s a fashion icon who has a fab home, the best friends and the perfect guy who’s nuts about her. She’s great at everything, while remaining humble and kind, and is always there to cheer on her friends no matter the challenges. That’s why everyone loves her.Living in sunny Malibu, California. Along with her sisters and their multiple pets, Barbie lives in the Dreamhouse, a three-story, state-of-the-art mansion painted a dreamy pink.Profession: Which one? Dentist, dog-walker, doctor, ballet dancer... if you can think of a job, Barbie's probably had it. When her friend Nikki learns she's even been to the moon, Barbie's response is, "you haven't?"Interests: Fun, friends, and (of course) fashion! Whether she's going to the beach or helping one of her younger sisters with homework, Barbie is always sure to look fantastic.Relationship Status: Happily in love with Ken. Over 40 years after their first meeting, Barbie and Ken's love hasn't faded one bit. It's easy to see why. The constantly supportive and affectionate Ken is, in Barbie's words, "the best, most thoughtful boyfriend a girl could ask for!"Challenge: Managing her busy, busy life! Between fashion shows, planning parties, and her many jobs, Barbie often finds herself squeezed for time to spend with her friends and family. After all, it isn't easy being fabulous.Personality: Optimistic, kind, and friendly. For all her beauty and talent, Barbie is shockingly down-to-earth. She considers everyone her friend, and if there's one thing Barbie is about, it's making sure her friends are happy.